Dec 1, 2008

Prevention of Diabetes

Many people with diabetes are given advice on how to treat their disease. What about people who have a family history of diabetes but haven't been diagnosed with the disease themselves? Are there steps they can take that will help prevent getting diabetes? If you have ever asked yourself the question, how can I prevent diabetes, then you've taken the first step towards a plan that may save your life.

Losing weight is key in the treatment of diabetes as well as preventing you from getting the disease. It is important to engage in physical activity that will elevate your heart rate several times a week in order to be effective in reducing the effects of diabetes or preventing it from occurring at all. Here are some simple tips to help get you started:

1. Pick a few activities that you enjoy doing; something that already fits into your normal daily routine. It's a good idea to pick something you can do indoors and another activity for outdoors. That way you can plan your activities depending on the weather.

2. Your activities should be centered around burning calories (losing weight) and buidling your muscles (lifting weights). You could walk to bike ride to burn calories and lift light weights to build muscles.

3. Always start slowly. Don't be in a hurry. You are making lifelong changes here so there is no need to rush into this, especially if you haven't exercised before. You could start with just three 10 minute walks per week, then increase the time in a week or two. Start lifting simply by moving books on a bookshelf or cans in an out of a pantry.

4. Find someone to exercise with or join an exercise class at a local gym or YMCA. This will help motivate you to keep going!

5. Stay active all day long. Where in your day can you add extra steps? Like walking farther into work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, march in place in front of the TV, etc.

There are many ways to stay active, burn calories and lose weight. Be creative. Do whatever will motivate you to continue. If you want the answer to how can I prevent diabetes simply start moving!
If you would like to receive my free report on "The Secret To Losing Weight" and learn how you can prevent diabetes click here now.

Peter Harris is a Physical Therapist that promotes health and wellness by writing frequently about diet, exercise and nutrition.

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