Dec 3, 2008

More Children Affected by Type 2 Diabetes - When Will it Stop?

A devastating disease that is attacking our children and our teens is type 2 diabetes. Most children that have diabetes are born with it, and this is called type one diabetes, but there is a growing number of children that are acquiring type 2 diabetes, where previously this type of diabetes only happened to mature adults. Over a thousand children are diagnosed every year with diabetes, and more and more of those diagnosed are diagnosed with type 2.

This type of diabetes is a disorder of the metabolism. The body doesn't destroy the beta cells, but instead creates a resistance to insulin. It starts to use this insulin incorrectly. When this happens the glucose rises in the blood and causes damage to the kidneys and other vital organs.

Children with Type 2 diabetes cannot absorb glucose, and their body cannot produce enough energy. This causes the kids to start feeling tired all the time. Up until recently type 2 diabetes was generally diagnosed in adults aged over 40.

What is Causing This Epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes in Children?
The American Diabetes Association says that the increase in this type of diabetes in children is caused by the increase in obesity, and the lack of physical exercise that our children are getting. Most children that are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are between the ages of 9 and 18, some have a family history, but many are obese, and have poor glycemic levels, which is what causes the disease.

Type 2 diabetes is hard to diagnose in children, many of them have no symptoms and are diagnosed through blood tests. When this diabetes sets in you may note a few of the following symptoms:

• Extreme thirst
• Fatigue
• Increase in appetite
• Weight loss
• Headaches
• Stomach pain

As a parent you need to be on the lookout for these signs. When you see them then you need to seek treatment. Your doctor may also prescribe diabetic vitamins for your child.

Prevent the Risks
If you know that Diabetes 2 is on the rise, and you know that your children eat unhealthily and don't get enough exercise, then isn't the solution to get them more active and to add nutrition to their diet.

Avoid the risks, start looking for activities for the whole family and get everyone started on some kind of exercise and healthy diet routine.

Fitwise 101 specializes in health and fitness tips for everyone. If you are interested in reading more information about Type 2 Diabetes and Children come to

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